Sunday, July 30, 2006

Truth Or Bare - Sally Apple

TITLE: Truth Or Bare
AUTHOR: Sally Apple
ISBN: 1-59632-057-5
GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


Melvin – Mel to his friends - has a really high sex drive. In his opinion, both his heads have minds of their own, with the smaller of the two tending to rule everything. No matter the circumstances, in nearly any sexual situation, it will perk up, showing its interest and standing tall. Mel finds it really embarrassing that he has no control over his own lower extremities, but this latest incident really takes the cake. Going to his ex-girlfriend’s house on Halloween in a bid to make up after their quarrel, he is stunned by the scene he walks in on, but his (as he calls it) Pogo stick arises. Being dumped by his girlfriend is the latest in a string of disasters for him: he lost his mother and then became so involved in making funeral arrangements he didn’t check in at his job – so the company gave his job to someone else. Coming across a Laura Spear in his late mother’s address book, he phones her – and finds out he has a living relative he never knew about. She persuades him to visit her, and since he wants to know more about his mother when she was younger and was planning to go on a road trip to get away from everything anyway, he agrees to go. And boy is he grateful he did. It’s a good job she’s not a blood relative, because he is having many lusty thoughts about her. But will his plain old-fashioned lust develop into something more?

Dr Laura Spear has been searching for her adopted sister for years. Only now she finds out it’s too late – her sister has passed away. Eager to meet the son of her beloved sister, she invites him to visit, but is unprepared for her reaction to him. She has never responded to a man the way she does to him. But it’s wrong. He is her nephew, after all...well, kind of. Besides which, she is much immersed in her current project - disproving the thesis that an athletes abstinence from sex boosts their performance and increases their stamina - and does not have time for a sexual relationship. Indeed, it has been quite a long spell for her. Will she be able to resist Mel’s overtures, a man ten years her junior? Or will she succumb...and fall in love?

Sally Apple is very daring. Detailed in Truth Or Bare are certain scenes that I have never come across. This daring on the part of the author shows either a confidence that readers will like and find humour in what she writes, or a determination to write what she likes regardless of what some readers may not like. Whilst originally surprised by the opening scenes, I quickly grew to like this author’s style. I have read very few stories where the woman is older than the man, but this is definitely the most refreshing and original of the bunch. The characters are both rather well-developed, with the story being told in third person from both their points of view. Both characters have their insecurities, but when they develop feelings for one another it is up to Mel to make their relationship all it can be. Please be aware that this tale contains both threesome and anal sex scenes. Truth Or Bare is a very good read, and I would very much like to read more of Sally Apple's work.


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