Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Regulating Archimedes - Brenda Bryce

TITLE: The Society 1: Regulating Archimedes
AUTHOR: Brenda Bryce
ISBN: 1-59632-142-3
GENRE: Contemporary Paranormal Romance
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Blog Special/Excellent


Angela Heissman, a scientist, lives a fairly ordinary life - though some would think her occasional absentmindedness and preoccupation with her laboratory work slightly strange. She lives for her work and is currently trying to compile a serum that would be able to identify certain blood ailments. This particular task is very close to her heart, as her mother died at a young age from anaemia. She is frustrated that her current experiments keep going awry, not to mention her superior keeps stealing her work and taking the credit for it. Her life is fairly simple and little out of the ordinary ever happens to her. With the arrival of Stephen Westlake in her laboratory, however, this quickly changes. Finding out her boss has once again stolen her work, this time the serum she is trying to develop, is the last straw: she quits her job and shortly after this is kidnapped. She is unable to understand what the kidnappers want from her but is ecstatic to escape them. Could the kidnapping have something to do with her serum? What is Stephen’s place in all that happens? What of the attraction she feels towards him, the likes of which she has never felt towards another man?

Stephen Westlake is a nine hundred year old vampire. Having recently been appointed The Society’s Regulator, a new position created by the new leader of the vampires, his first task was to investigate those holding key positions in The Society, to find out whether they were straight or crooked. Most were clean; all bar The Society’s Archimedes. Having dealt with the threat he posed, The Society is now in need of a new Archimedes. This is his second assignment. Provided with a list of five potential scientists who could fill the position, he now needs to identify which of the five is best suited for the placement. He decides to start with Angela Heissman, who seems to be the odd one out on the list. The only female being considered, she is not an expert in her field, unlike the four men, two of whom are Nobel Prize winners. Thinking it will be easy to eliminate her, he is understandably rather confused when it turns out that the serum the previous Archimedes was going to use to harm the new leader is hers. It seems there is more than meets the eye to this female scientist, after all. With an unknown vampire out to capture her, it is up to Stephen to keep her from harm whilst finding out all he can about the unknown vampire, the serum and what Angela has to do with everything that is going on. All the while, he has to contend with the strong attraction he feels towards her – the likes of which he has never experienced but was told to expect by his father when he met his mate. Angela can’t be his mate, though – can she?

Wowee! Talk about a refreshing, action-packed, sensual vampire romance! Brenda Bryce’s The Society 1: Regulating Archimedes is a fabulous tale that is most certainly not your average vampire romance. Containing more than its fair share of intrigue, this is one storyline you will find yourself completely immersed in. Never a boring moment in this story, you will be unable to stop reading from start to finish. I love the characters, all of whom are very well developed. Several events in the plot are completely unexpected, with the story taking twists and turns that enriches the plot and keeps it interesting. Love scenes in this tale are fairly detailed but not explicit, occasionally bringing a smile to my face. Brenda Bryce has me hooked. I crave more and celebrate the contracted second in the series - and the third that is in the works. They cannot be published soon enough.


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