Saturday, July 29, 2006

Polly's Perilous Pleasures - Daisy Dexter Dobbs

TITLE: Polly’s Perilous Pleasures
AUTHOR: Daisy Dexter Dobbs
ISBN: 1-4199-0294-6
GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Ellora’s Cave
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/5 Unicorns


Polly is a curvaceous red head with low self esteem. Her long-time relationship with her semi-fiancé – semi since she caught him in bed with another woman during a surprise trip several months ago – is most definitely on the rocks. Not only because he has continually put her down and been unfaithful at least once, but also because her attraction to her personal trainer is very close to boiling over. Having been convinced by her slimy semi-fiancé it is her fault that he strayed, Polly took to comfort eating and piled on the pounds. Not hard to do when her business, Polly’s Provisions, specialises in decadent foods. Finding out her weight focused fiancé is to arrive home in ninety days after an absence of over a year, she has very little time to shed the weight she had put on and was quick to sign up to the Apollo Health and Fitness Club, who provide a personal trainer free for three months to those who sign up for three years. Her personal trainer is Nikolas Kokoris. He is a Greek God personified. This Greek born hunk has most definitely got Polly’s creative juices flowing...and other fluids besides. My, my, my...the fantasies she has spun about the two of them. Of course, she’ll never act on them...Until a bottle of Ouzo releases her inhibitions and loosens her tongue at the celebratory dinner she cooks and shares with Nick at her home, after she reaches her thirty pound weight drop target with days to go before her semi-fiancé arrives. But what exactly happens during that steamy night after she admits she feels more towards Nick than friendly? Does Nick feel the same attraction towards her? What is she going to do about the man that she considers herself unofficially engaged to? Will Nick find out exactly what a Merry Widow is?

Nick, joint owner of the Apollo Health and Fitness Club with his twin brother, Yorgo (George), has had a semi hard-on for the past three months thanks to the most gorgeous woman he has ever met – Polly Patrick. She is everything he has ever wanted in a woman. There is just one little problem – she is at his fitness club to tone her body for another man, her fiancé at that. Nick despairs that she’ll ever see him as more than a friend, and so he acts as if friendship is all he wants – until he finds out differently at the end of their three months together as trainer and trainee. Now it’s a whole different ball game. But there is still a fly in the ointment – on the night he finds out about Polly’s attraction to him and they share some of the most amazing sex he has ever experienced in his life, Polly is still semi-engaged. Unable to share the woman he is secretly in love with with another man, he tells her to make her choice – and he can’t be more delighted when she chooses him over a wastrel of a fiancé. Thus follows their steamy courtship as the couple get to know one another as lovers, as well as friends. But are Polly’s feelings for him as deep and all consuming as his are for her? Can this younger man keep up with his older lover’s insatiable sexual appetite? What is to come of Polly’s ‘curiosity’ about a threesome with his identical twin brother, George?

Polly’s Perilous Pleasures will most definitely have you reaching for the fire extinguisher to put out the fire created in you and the flames consuming your computer monitor. Polly’s Perilous Pleasures is hot, hot, hot! Ms Dexter Dobbs has created many sizzling and detailed love scenes in this tale which is undoubtedly a contemporary erotic – very erotic – romance. Polly’s love of role playing in her sex life is brilliantly described and brought to life in many a scene, all of which will leave you panting, some of which may leave you laughing and others of which will make you wish you had her stamina – and ability to bring your man’s jungle vine to full attention even after a vigorous workout for yet another go around. The threesomes towards the end of the novel are just as steamy and...satisfying as those with only Polly and Nick, though if threesomes aren’t your scene, even with identical twins who are identical in every way, then you might want to give this one a miss, since the threesomes are not casually mentioned but are as detailed as the steamy encounters between just Polly and Nick. I’ve never read a story with role playing before, but this heroine’s love and enthusiasm for this method of sexual play definitely got my attention. Polly and Nick are very well developed characters who each have their own insecurities, desires and wants, though some of these are very similar. Whilst they seem total opposites, their chemistry – on the screen and between them – makes them extremely well suited to each other. Overall, Polly’s Perilous Pleasures is a brilliant novel that, whilst having a large focus on the physical side of a relationship, also fully and eagerly addresses the emotional, making Polly’s Perilous Pleasures one to add to the keeper collection and Ms Dexter Dobbs an author to look out for.

Playing The Game - Megan Hart

TITLE: Playing The Game
AUTHOR: Megan Hart
ISBN: 1-59279-118-2
GENRE: Contemporary Erotica Romance
PUBLISHER: Amber Quill Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/5 Unicorns


Josie and Jack are the best of friends; they’ve known each other all their lives, through school, college, dating, job losses and more. For many years, since Josie claimed she could predict the reactions of women to Jack, they have been playing The Game. They usually go to The Vault, a local bar, to play The Game. They each accumulate points based on the sexual responses and invitations they receive from the opposite sex; for example a hair toss, an offer for a drink or a dance, and an offer to go home with someone. They can also gain points by betting on or predicting someone’s sexual reaction to each other.

It’s been awhile since they played The Game – over a year, but Jack wants to cheer Josie up. It’s been three months since she broke up with her last boyfriend. She is still upset and has not gotten back into the dating scene. But this time when they play The Game, Josie responds in a different way to Jack’s overtures, which are designed to gain the attention of the opposite sex. In fact, Josie’s been feeling differently toward Jack for some time now – years if she’s honest with herself, and this has left her feeling very confused. Why is she having sexual feelings for her best friend? Are her feelings, in reality, on a deeper plane than the sexual?

Jack has always had the most success with The Game – usually winning by default, as he often left the bar with a woman. But this time something is different. Have Jack’s feelings towards Josie changed? What has he been keeping from her for so long now?

Playing The Game is, quite simply, brilliant! Never having read any of Megan Hart's work before I did not know what to expect, but wow! I felt like fanning myself at various points during this rather short story. The author has been very successful in building the sexual tension in this novella, from beginning to climaxing end. I particularly like the dance scene towards the beginning of this story, and when you read it yourself you will definitely see why. The chemistry between the characters is electric; they complement each other beautifully. The storyline works really well, even though so much has been put into rather such a short tale. I applaud Megan Hart, and confess I am eager to read more of her work.

Overnight Sensation - Christy Gissendaner

TITLE: Overnight Sensation
AUTHOR: Christy Gissendaner
ISBN: Triskelion Publishing
GENRE: Romance; Contemporary
PUBLISHER: Triskelion Publishing
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4.5 Unicorns


Kerri Manley is twenty-four and a size eighteen. Very conscious of her size, she is always on a diet. She does not believe herself to be someone people would spare a second glance, though the men she has dated are not hesitant to get into bed with her. Whilst on a lunch date with best friend Lisa, a men’s magazine centrefold model who is stick thin and whose figure Kerri covets, Kerri notices a man, obviously visiting the city, at a table in the café. She doesn’t know who he is, but he stands out. When her best friend has to leave unexpectedly, Kerri soon learns that he is Armand D’Sandro, owner and founder of a plus-sized woman’s clothing chain. What’s more, he wants her as a model for the company! It is not a hard decision to make. Her current life with a minimum wage job and a non-existent social life, or a complete career change with all the perks that come with modelling. Quick to say yes, she is unprepared for the world she is catapulted into, almost overnight.

She instantly likes her new roommate, Jasmine, another new model for D’Sandro’s, who takes her out on the town her first night in New York, the city she is to call home. Shocked that she is going to Caliente Club, a popular but fairly exclusive club where the rich and famous can be seen, Kerri is even more stunned when she spies Griffin Davies, a gorgeous male model she has had a crush on for years – and who has recently broken up with his girlfriend. When he comes over to her, starting up a conversation and bringing her a drink, Kerri cannot understand why he came to her, when there was a bevy of gorgeous beauties surrounding him. On the dance floor, she feels his attraction is very real, and they are soon making out rather heavily on the couch. Soon they leave Caliente Club – for Griffin’s place. Talk about a dream come true! After one glorious night, during which Griffin proved his stamina five times, Kerri is ecstatic that he promises to call – then beyond disappointed when she realizes he doesn’t even know her name, let alone her number.

Leaving for a shoot in Las Vegas to launch the new Look of Love campaign, Kerri has little time to contemplate what might have been as her career is suddenly on the fast track. In the elevator of the hotel she is staying in, there is a man whom she at first believes to be Griffin, and she gives him something of a telling off for the way he used her, only to find it is not Griffin – but his brother Cole! They quickly become friends, and an attraction flares between them. But who is Kerri really in love with - Griffin or Cole? Is she using Cole as a substitute? Or is it Cole she is really in love with? After all, she doesn’t really know Griffin, but she now knows Cole very well. When Griffin turns up in Vegas, things get even more complicated. Who does she choose? What does she realize about herself during this love triangle?

Overnight Sensation is a brilliantly written story that keeps the reader guessing as to which man Kerri is going to end up with. Nothing happens as expected, everything comes as a surprise. This story is full of characters, of a mixture I have not seen before. Kerri’s character is the most developed; her insecurities about her shape and her looks really come across in this tale and are vulnerabilities that a lot of women can identify with. Getting a dream job, and meeting her dream man, was something Kerri never expected; when it does, she has moments of happiness, but most of the time is consumed by different worries, as we would be if we found ourselves thrust into her position. This story is fairly sexually graphic; please be aware there is anal sex and homosexuality is also a part of the plotline. If these are not your cup of tea, then this tale may not be for you, which is a real shame because it is very well written, thoroughly enjoyable and a credit to the author, Ms Gissendaner. Highly recommended!

Outback Sizzle - Alexis Fleming

TITLE: Outback Sizzle
AUTHOR: Alexis Fleming
ISBN: 1-59596-209-3
GENRE: Erotic Contemporary Romance
PUBLISHER: Changeling Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4.5 Unicorns


Cassie Mitchell is twenty-five, has a degree in psychology and has just gotten her first job at a medical facility next to the university, thanks to the help of the college dean. About to start her Master’s thesis, her dean suggests either infertility in older women or impotence in men under stress. When her friend, Maisie, phones up and confides that she thinks her son, Chase, has a sexual, ahh...problem, Cassie sees her chance to gain the subject for her thesis. Of course, this is the excuse she gives Maisie. In actuality, Cassie has been in lust with Chase for four years, ever since first seeing the picture of him her brother, Jason, had taken. Jason and Chase have been best friends since rooming together for two years during college. Every time Jason came home, Cassie hung on his every word for news of Chase. Now she finally has the chance to work him out of her system. After all, having a relationship with a man who lives halfway around the world would be impossible – wouldn’t it? Besides which, surely you can’t fall in love with a photograph?

Chase O’Connor’s livelihood is sheep grazing and wool gathering. He owns his own large farm, inherited from his departed father, putting in long hours. With his best friend due to arrive any day, his workload is currently that of two people. The farm keeps him extremely busy, so much so that unless a woman really catches his eye, he doesn’t take the time to pursue her – even then he is only interested in short term relationships. Or it could be he desires to avoid all women, having grown tired and increasingly exasperated by his mother’s attempts to get him settled down with a family. When he first sees Cassie, he is instantly attracted to her, even though he is unaware of who she is (though she seems familiar to him somehow) and wanting to know exactly what this uninvited woman is doing on his land. Her explanation completely stuns him. His mother has hired a paid companion for him because she thinks his equipment is, uhh...malfunctioning? When he finds out that both women are deceiving him, he decides to play along. After, Cassie is one good looking lady and he has been without sex for months. How can a man who is supposed to have erectile problems keep up the pretence? Or can’t he? Will he be able to keep his emotions under lock and key?

Outback Sizzle is a charming story full of humorous events that will surely bring a smile to your face! Each character is hiding something from the others – even a character we don’t know much about! There is much more to their situation than the reader is first allowed to see, and when finally revealed is something that comes as a complete surprise. This is the first time I have read a tale by Alexis Fleming, I have found myself enjoying it immensely, particularly the misunderstandings that occur because of all the secrets being kept. Though this tale contains very few characters, this works as the setting is isolated – a huge farm in the Australian Outback. This has given Alexis Fleming the chance to develop and concentrate on her storyline and plot, which has been done very well, particularly for a tale that is only ninety pages. I shall be looking out for more tales from this author in the future!

Red Hot Secrets - Lisa Renee Jones

TITLE: Office Games: Red Hot Secrets
AUTHOR: Lisa Renee Jones
ISBN: 1-4199-0338-1
GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Ellora’s Cave
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4.5 Unicorns


Lauren Reynold’s has worked extremely hard to get where she is. She put her career on hold to look after her mother when she got cancer, but things are finally starting to look up. She hasn’t had sex in two years, and thanks to her favourite soap, Red Hot Secrets, her body is clamouring for sexual release. When her friend orders her to come out for a night on the town, she puts up only token resistance. She makes up her mind to have a one night stand, something she has never done before in her life. The perfect man finds her, rather than her finding him. They end up back at his place, where Lauren has the hottest night of her life. In the morning she sneaks out whilst he is still asleep, confident that she will never meet her fantasy man again. Then a year later, after being headhunted for a huge business named Carlson, she finds he is her new boss. Neither had planned this occurrence in any way. Lauren still feels the attraction she felt to him when first they met. But he’s her boss. Sleeping with him would be suicidal career wise – and could further break her heart. But she can’t resist him. Can anything come of their relationship? Are Lauren’s fears regarding her career well founded? Do they come to pass?

Matt Monroe has never felt about a woman the way he feels about Lauren. When he first met her on that long ago night, he had a feeling she was different, and did something he never had before: he took her to his home that very night. When he woke to find her gone, he was beyond disappointed. He has spent the last year looking for her, unable to get her off his mind. When she pretty much falls into his lap, having been headhunted for his business, he can’t believe his luck. He is determined to pursue a relationship with her, knowing not where it can lead, but having a gut feeling that what happens with her will be significant. When he realises he is in love with her, he faces the greatest challenge of his life: overcoming Lauren’s fears about what a relationship between them could cost her career wise – and convincing her to take a risk on him. Does he succeed? Or is he left more alone and lonesome than he has ever been before?

Ms Jones has written a great story about two characters who come alive on the page. Lauren’s fears are based in reality, and put forward in such a way as to make the reader empathise with her difficult situation, knowing her fears are all too real, but at the same time hoping that she will give Matt, who epitomises tall, dark and handsome (and rich!) a chance. The biggest wedge between them is his position as her boss – followed closely by their difference in social status. These are two great obstacles to overcome, and the tale grips the reader as the characters grapple with these two possibly defeatist obstacles that are in the way of a truly fulfilling relationship between them. The sex scenes are described in detail, and there is not anything in the scenes that some readers may find potentially offensive, such as anal sex and so forth. It is pretty much straightforward love making, though not all happens in a bed – or in missionary position! The characters show a tenderness towards each other that is truly touching. They really appeal to the reader and a happy ending is most certainly the desired outcome. Having read Ms Jones before, I was familiar with her style, and can confide that all of her stories are simply superb; none will let you down, most especially this one. I cannot wait for more from the Office Games Series, and would love to have Bret’s (best friend to Matt) story told. Red Hot Secrets is a brilliant story; well worth the read.

Maverick's BlackCat - Maggie Casper & Lena Matthews

TITLE: Maverick’s BlackCat
AUTHOR: Maggie Casper and Lena Mathews
ISBN: 1-4199-0375-6
GENRE: Erotic Romance; BDSM Elements
PUBLISHER: Ellora’s Cave
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


Catarena has felt compelled to write for years. Her stories have always been turned down by publishing houses, labelled as too politically incorrect. Having read an erotic fiction tale, Caterena believes she has finally found her niche. She wants to begin by writing a BDSM novel. There is only one obstacle in her way: she knows nothing about her intended subject matter. To complete the tale she is keen to write, Caterena will have do research – a lot of research. She begins by going to, hoping to find someone willing to tell her about the lifestyle, instead finding all sorts of people who want to engage in various acts that Caterena finds very off putting. She is beginning to become very disheartened when she comes across a man who seems different from the others, who offers to teach her what he knows in exchange for her submission to him. Caterena agrees, and though some of his requests give her a moment's hesitation, she finds she is enjoying herself and her cyber relationship very much. All in the name of research, of course. And then she sees his face via the webcam he had sent her. The webcam over which he had just viewed her orgasm. The man is not only familiar to her, but someone she knows. She pulls the plug on the webcam instinctively, to protect her identity. But will she be able to keep her identity a secret from him?

Mason is very successful. He owns his own business, Broderick Inc and does not lack for female companionship. Lately though he has grown tired of the simpering, clinging women he gets involved with. They are too easy to tame. When he logs in to Fetish.dom to meet up with an acquaintance, he is surprised to find a woman worthy of a second look. With her sarcastic comebacks, he knows she will not be so easy to tame. Drawn to her in an inexplicable way, he makes her a deal: his knowledge for her submission. So begins a very unusual relationship over which Mason does not have complete control, a first for him. When she pulls the plug on their relationship, Mason nearly goes mad trying to understand why, determined to find out who she is. When he does find her, he is stunned by her identity – stunned but not put off. He initiates her into his world, though she is resistant of becoming involved with him because of who he is. With her determination not to be controlled by him outside of the bedroom, will this man with an unquenchable thirst for control manage to make a compromise and salvage their relationship?

This collaboration by Maggie Casper and Lena Mathews flows seamlessly. They have obviously worked together, very well and very closely, to line up all the various points of this tale. Maverick’s Black Cat is highly erotic. Contents include anal sex sex/play, spanking, handcuffs, mention of ‘golden showers’ and a very domineering man. Whilst this novel is unmistakably of the BDSM genre, it is not ‘heavy’. What I mean by this is that there are no situations that are hardcore BDSM, featuring for example flogging or bondage. This makes it perfect for those who would like to dip their toes into the BDSM genre, but want to start with something that is not too hardcore. Don’t, however, make the wrong judgement that this tale is typical of this genre. On the contrary, the BDSM genre is vast and varied; not all plotlines will be for everyone. The struggle between the characters to find a balance that works for them was brilliantly developed – and a struggle it was. Caterena is a feminist, a woman who believes that women are equal to men but is also excited at the thought of her pleasure being controlled by a man in the bedroom. Mason is a man who needs to be in control at all times; this need spreads to all areas of his life. Though this need for control is great, his need for Caterena is greater. His struggle within himself to find a balance he can live with is endearing. Though not for those who dislike the thought of men and women being on unequal footing in any respect, including the bedroom, Maverick’s Black Cat is a true gem.

The Rogue Prince - Michelle M Pillow

TITLE: Lords Of The Var: The Rogue Prince
AUTHOR: Michelle M Pillow
ISBN: 1-58608-632-4
GENRE: Sci-fi Romance
PUBLISHER: New Concepts Publishing
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/5 Unicorns


Jasmine St Claire, married the past four years to a verbally and physically abusive husband, is very unhappy in her marriage and is looking for a chance to leave the rich doctor who will not grant her a divorce. Her whole life is picture perfect on the outside, but is nothing more than a sham. At the medical conference, she finds her means of escape. Although none of the other doctors would help her, she believes the visiting Var Ambassadors would be willing to, in exchange for the medical booth she won. She approaches the one named Reid, whom she believes to be in charge of the craft. Disappointed when he turns her down, she returns to her suite to be greeted by her angry husband. She escapes lightly, mostly because they are interrupted by another doctor. Overhearing the conversation, she decides she must leave him immediately. To that end, she creeps onto the Var craft, and is not discovered until well after take off. Suspecting her to be a victim of abuse, the Var Princes and crew decide to help her, for which she is very grateful. Will she escape her husband, and his network of friends and associates? Could she fall in love with Reid, after her experience with her husband, which left her determined to be free from men?

Prince Reid attended the medical conference to acknowledge the scientist who died on his home planet, Qurilixen, when he was helping to rid the planet of biological warfare. After the conference, he is approached by Jasmine. Believing she wants to sleep with him, he is unprepared for her request of safe passage off the planet. Believing this to be a ploy to spend more time with him, possibly to develop a long lasting relationship, he turns her away. He spends a sleepless night, dreaming of what could have been. Strange, he has not dwelt on women he hasn’t slept with before – though those are few and far between. Stunned to find out she is aboard the ship, he is quick to take advantage of the situation. When he begins to fall for her, something he had been determined never to do, he finds himself unable to control his feelings. But will he be able to convince her of his love, particularly with his track record? Will his love be enough to get her to love and trust him, after her experience with her husband? How will he come to terms with the fact that he desires and wants another man's wife, something which is morally abhorrent to him? Can he keep her safe from the threats facing her?

The Rogue Prince, fourth in the Lords of the Var series by Michelle M Pillow, is a great read and an excellent addition to this wonderful series, making me crave more, more, more! Hopefully, the linked series of the Dragon Lords and Galaxy Playmates will quench some of this thirst, though I still cannot wait for the next brother’s story and hope Ms Pillow will also do the next generations tales. The Rogue Prince contains sensitive social issues, that are dealt with very well, and circumstances some may find offensive, particularly the use of adultery in the plot, though I doubt any of you would want Jasmine to remain in her abusive relationship, but rather legally unentangle herself before entering another relationship. Few in this story all is as it seems; the many twists and turns, making for unexpected occurrences, keep the reader intrigued and involved. The characters are strongly developed, and it is brilliant to see Reid’s arrogance with regards his sex appeal to the opposite sex take a real hitting. Action, romance and sex aplenty, this will get your pulse racing. I have no worries or concerns about recommending The Rogue Prince to you to read, particularly if you are a huge fan of futuristic erotic romance.

Is It Written In The Stars? - Linda Wisdom

TITLE: Is It Written In The Stars?
AUTHOR: Linda Wisdom
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLISHER: Currently Unavailable
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/3 Unicorns

For the past five years Jill has been co-author of a very successful children’s series about a young gorilla named Hairy Harry. Whilst she and her co-author Greg have their apartments and work rooms in the same house (thanks to Jill seeing and falling in love with said house and convincing Greg it ideally suited their needs), their relationship is strictly platonic. Surprising, since there is an attraction bubbling beneath the surface that is apparent to everyone but them - including their numerous lovers and close friends. Their working relationship led to a close friendship. It is because of this that Greg is the first person Jill calls when she is struck by an intense pain in her stomach, which causes her to collapse in her apartment, having just returned from a business trip. It being very late in the night doesn’t matter; neither does Greg having his current lover in his bed prevent him from rushing to Jill's aid - and rushing her into hospital. She is diagnosed with a hot appendix and undergoes surgery immediately. Having had his own appendix removed as a child, Greg is sympathetic to her plight. He anxiously awaits news from the doctor on Jill's condition. Immensely relieved when Jill comes out of surgery with no complications, Greg takes on the role of nursemaid to help Jill get back to full strength. It will be six weeks before Jill can resume her normal activities. During her recovery period tempers fray, their attraction over boils, and disappointments abound. Just where will their relationship go? Onto a greater plateau? Or the end of their working relationship?

Is It Written In The Stars? by Linda Wisdom was a story that I found extremely hard to get into. I don't know why. The characters are reasonably developed, there is plenty going on in the story. Both characters are put through their paces. Several intimate encounters are described, adding a sensual level to the tale. The struggle the characters experience, trying to resist the force drawing them together is put together well. There were several editorial errors that were annoying, like a fly buzzing around one's ear. On the whole it was an OK story, but I was bored by it and it took me days to finish when I usually finish a story of this length in less than a day. Is it Written In The Stars? did not do much for me, but who knows? Maybe for you it could, particularly if you like your romances sweet.

Hot Off The Presses - Trixie Stilletto

TITLE: Hot Off The Presses
AUTHOR: Trixie Stilletto
ISBN: 1-59426-506-2
GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/5 Unicorns


Samantha comes from a long line of farmers. In her family, she’s something of an oddity. The land and the life of farming do not call to her as they do to her family. It is the newspaper business that thrives in her blood. Whilst her family do not understand her career or her vocation, they support her because they love her and want her to be happy. This does not stop her mother from nagging Samantha to produce grandchildren. Samantha does not have the time in her life for a man, let alone children, though she loves her nieces and nephews dearly. As sports editor for The Planet, the main newspaper in the town of Buffalo where she lives and works, Samantha is always on the go; it is not unusual for her to put in a sixty hour week, even with two assistants. But on her thirtieth birthday Samantha gives in to her body’s urges when she meets a man whom her body is instantly attracted to. The sex in the back of the limo is superb – but when she meets the mystery man again she finds out he is her new boss. Oh, dear. With Samantha’s rule of not to mix business and pleasure, is there any possibility that any type of relationship will develop between Samantha and Kurt? Or is the intense attraction between them doomed to be forever resisted?

Kurt has something to prove – to his father, that is. His father has a finger in every media pie and is well known for not taking fools gladly. Even his own son doesn’t get a free pass, so to speak. Kurt is determined to get a seat on the Board of Directors, but his father keeps refusing, informing Kurt he is irresponsible and only looking for a good time. This has some truth to it, as thus far Kurt has followed a motto of ‘it it feels good, do it’. But now Kurt’s determination means it has to be out with the old motto, and in with a new one. To get a seat on the Board of Directors, he is going to have to become responsible for his actions, keep his libido under control and make a success of The Planet, a newspaper his father has owned for going on three years. To do this, he has to turn The Planet into the cash cow his father expects it to be – which it currently isn’t. On his first night in town, however, he doesn’t exactly stick to his plan to control his libido. Instead, he picks up a gorgeous woman in an Athena Warrior outfit and has sex with her in the back seat of his limo. Granted, the sex was superb. But now he can’t get her off his mind, he has broken his plan to remain celibate and he is not into long term relationships. Then he finds out that his mystery lady is the sports editor at The Planet and has strong ideas about what is – and isn’t – acceptable in the workplace. But he has made up his mind. He is going to keep to his plan to turn The Planet into the cash cow his father wants it to be, whilst carrying on an affair with the luscious Ms Cruise – even though she is resistant to the very idea. With the sexual attraction between them close to boiling over every time they come into contact with one another, it won’t be hard to convince her to enter into a sexual relationship with him. But will either of them develop deeper feelings for one another? What will Samantha’s reaction be when she finds out about Kurt’s agenda for The Planet? Is there any chance at all that these two will enter into a long-lasting, loving relationship with all such a relationship entails?

Though this is the first story I have read by Ms Stilletto, it surely won’t be the last. I have thoroughly enjoyed Hot Off The Presses. Kurt is a man who is used to getting what he wants. Samantha is a professional career woman who has strong ideas about the rights and wrongs of one's behaviour, particularly in the workplace. Apart, they are two strong independent people; together, their chemistry sizzles. Hot Off The Presses is a steamy novel, with descriptive sex scenes, including an anal sex scene towards the end of the story. The characters are very well developed, both the main characters and also the other characters in the story. I loved the way the story centres on a newspaper. It seemed that Ms Stilletto had really done her homework; the technical knowledge about how a newspaper runs was all in the story, in terms that the reader can follow, even if they themselves have no experience of working for a newspaper. Brilliantly written, this is definitely a story you must read. I will soon voraciously consume more of Ms Stilletto’s tales and going on the quality of this one, I doubt I’ll be disappointed by any of them.

Under You Spell - Willa Okati

TITLE: Agency Of Extraordinary Mates: Under Your Spell
AUTHOR: Willa Okati
ISBN: 1-59596-179-8
GENRE: Erotic Fantasy
PUBLISHER: Changeling Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


Nico is a gay sorcerer. A rather selfish one, at that. He takes what he wants with no thought to the repercussions or feelings of others. Everything he owns he has taken from others, all things that don’t belong to him. His thievery doesn’t bother him; nor does it plague his conscious. Now he wants a mate, someone he can control, whom he calls pet in his own mind. He wants someone with whom he can be Master, and they can be Slave. He casts a spell, for the one destined to be his mate to come to Chimera Island, a mystical island situated in the midst of the Bermuda Triangle that Nico stabilises using his magic. The spell takes away the free will of his mate, leaving him unable to make his own choices, wanting to do whatever Nico, his Master, tells him. A link is made between the two, symbolised by a silver chain. But Nico had been unable to finish his lessons in magic and much knowledge is missing. His understanding of the threefold rule is limited and not something he has had much experience with. Just how will things work out with his mate? Will this magician, who has always been the one in control, retain his dominance in the relationship? Will he learn a new lesson, that there are some things more precious than even the silver chain binding his mate to him?

Jamie is an investigative reporter. He is bewildered as to why he would be invited to a place that is listed in no holiday brochure, but which checks out as legitimate. He is further bewildered by the way in which his member seems to have developed a mind of its own. Lately, he has been unable to get his mind off sex, and has had a continual semi hard-on at all times. He also cannot understand why he is drawn to Chimera. On his journey there, he has some peculiar dreams that may provide the answer to his questions...dreams that may just set up the rest of his life. Just what is going on? Who is the man he dreams about? Is he real? And what part does the energetic, extrovert woman he is travelling with have to do with his experiences?

Willa Okati's Under Your Spell is undoubtedly a fantasy tale, with much of the story occurring on an alternate plane to the physical. A dreamscape, if you will. This in itself is rather unusual and the first of its type that I myself have come across. It is also undisputable that this is a very erotic novel. From the very beginning, there are detailed, explicit sex acts and scenes between two males, a Sorcerer and a Human. Nico is a man used to being the one in control, but he is to learn that being equals with his mate, allowing his mate his own free will, will bring him more pleasure than he has ever known. Jamie is to find someone who feels as if he is the missing part of his soul, someone who completes him, but to be completely happy he must not let Nico be the dominant one in the relationship all the time. Under Your Spell is most definitely not for anyone who dislikes erotica, or those who dislike a romance of two men. For those of you, however, who like a tale where two people find the loves of their lives against all odds, with the help of a mystical force with other fantasy elements interwoven, then this is one you should seriously consider giving a go.

Matchmaker - Aubrey Ross

TITLE: Agency Of Extraordinary Mates: Matchmaker
AUTHOR: Aubrey Ross
ISBN: 978-1-59596-235-5
GENRE: Erotic Fantasy
PUBLISHER: Changeling Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


Marissa is a halfling, part faery, part elf. Abandoned at a young age, she was adopted by a Dark Elf family at which point her life dramatically improved. For the past year, she has been a field agent, or matchmaker, for the Agency of Extraordinary Mates, of which her adoptive family is a founder. She has never failed in her matchmaking, and is determined not to do so now. She will not let her attraction to Sam or Thane stand in the way of finding them their bonded mate. But when she reacts to both of them in a way that she has to no other and cannot get them out of her head, she begins to confront her suspicion that she may be their bonded mate, an eventuality she is not sure she desires. Is it possible that she need look no further than herself to find the mate Sam is seeking?

Sam and Thane are Dichotomies. Thane is Nocturnal, whilst Sam is the ‘day-dweller’. At dawn and dusk, for one hour, both of them have a physical form. After this Sam has a physical form during the day whilst Thane exists as a form of pure energy, and vice versa for the night. They are only fertile with their bonded mate, so need to find her to have a family and find happiness. After their one disastrous attempt, however, Thane does not even want to look. Tired of Thane’s attitude, Sam takes matters into his own hands, even though the Nocturnal Dichotomy is dominant. He hires a matchmaker – whom he is instantly attracted to. When Thane unexpectedly meets someone, unaware that it is Marissa in disguise or of what his brother has done, he knows instantly that she is the one he wants. When he finds out what his brother has done, what will his reaction be? Will his being left out of the loop have an effect on the relationship he could have with Marissa?

Matchmaker is a great story that features an unusual plotline. Two men in one great package – a Dichotomy. Fantasy material or what, Ladies? Thane and Sam are the opposites of one another, yet to have and love one, you need to love and accept the other. Marissa is a faery, though she is also part elf. Looked down upon by many others for being a halfling (a derogatory word that can be likened to mudblood in Harry Potter), she is nevertheless rather cheerful, confident and determined to succeed. Matchmaker takes several unexpected turns, and Marissa finally finds out the whole truth of her painful past. Their love for one another is put under strain, harsh words are exchanged but they work together in times of hardship. They complement each other beautifully. Sam’s character is the least developed, though this may have been done deliberately. It definitely gave me a sense of Thane being the more dominant one, with Sam as the easy going one. Aubrey Ross has written a story to be proud of; I can’t wait to get my hands on more of her Dichotomy tales. Matchmaker lives up to the high standards set by the other stories in the Agency of Extraordinary Mates Series!

Heat Wave - Eden Bradley

TITLE: Heat Wave
AUTHOR: Eden Bradley
ISBN: 1-59426-535-6
GENRE: Contemporary Erotica
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4.5 Unicorns


Leigh Novack’s temperature has long since boiled over – and not just from the heat wave that Southern California is experiencing! Since her neighbour moved in, she has kept an appreciative gaze on him. He is a large man, just as Leigh likes ‘em, and he is the current man featuring in Leigh’s fantasies. His popping over to ask to borrow a bottle opener is the catalyst for hot, steamy sex sessions which neither of them can get enough of. But with him due to leave at the end of the summer, to travel further afield in his job as a famous photojournalist, what’s to become of the feelings that Leigh is developing for him, though she tries not to? What, if any, are his feelings towards her?

Wowser! Though Heat Wave is a fairly short story, Eden Bradley manages to cram a lot into such a small space, and whilst normally this may not work out very well, in this instance it works superbly. You know what they say about small packages, don’t you? Definitely true in this case. The focus of this story is most definitely physical; scorching hot scene followed by scorching hot scene. Love the use of ice cream, a water hose and a beach blanket! Brought forth by this tale is quite a mix of emotions; spine-tingling arousal, happiness, sorrow... Great story, brilliant value, most definitely worth a read. I look forward to reading more from Eden Bradley.

Challenged - Lori O'Clare

TITLE: Cariboo Lunewulf: Challenged
AUTHOR: Lorie O’Clare
ISBN: 1-4199-0316-0
GENRE: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Ellora’s Cave
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4.5 Unicorns


Ali Bastien is twenty-two and dreams of excitement and adventure, which she knows she will not find with any member of her pack, none of whom interest her anyway. She still lives in her parent’s den, where she was brought up in a loving family amongst her littermates, with parents who are very much in love and who are very protective of their offspring. Her sire, Jonathon, rules the den with a firm hand; in his den, his word is law. Ali has always obeyed, and has rarely even considered going against his wishes – until she meets and falls in love with Stone McAllister. She first meets Stone at the tavern where she works, quickly deciding that this strong, experienced werewolf is just the one who can help her get some adventure and excitement. Flirting shamelessly with him, she gains his sexual interest and his agreement to take her some place nicer when she gets off work. Quickly falling head over heels for him, she pines for him when he leaves – though he soon returns. She is determined to have him as her mate, but to say he’s a bit resistant to settling down would be an understatement. Not to mention that her sire is against a mating between them, believing Stone to be too wild for her. Will Ali get her man (or should I say werewolf?) Will she be able to convince her family and her pack that Stone is the one for her? Not to mention she has to convince Stone himself.

Stone is a lone wolf; he is not on the market for a mate. Indeed, he’s only ever been tempted once. He keeps his emotions close to his chest, allowing few to touch his heart or get to know who he is underneath the surface. Popular with the bitches, Stone plays the field, forgetting those he sleeps with as soon as he’s done with them, leaving them sated and soaking. Meeting Ali, he knows she’s too young for him. He knows she’s using him to gain excitement and adventure. He knows she’s a virgin – and he’s well aware of Cariboo pack law regarding their virgins. Nevertheless, he can’t resist her, but neither can he get her out of his head afterwards, a first for him. He quickly returns home to Prince George, but returns three days later after volunteering to drive a truckload of timber there, the reasons for which he cannot fathom. It takes him awhile, but he finally realizes that he loves her. But is he willing to fight for her when another male wants to claim her for his own? Will he protect her from all who threaten to harm her? Is he as wild as Jonathon believes? Will he share her with his twin, as his twin shared his mate with him, as they share everything of importance to each other?

Challenged, indeed the whole Cariboo Lunewulf Series, is quite original. In Ms O’Clare’s world, there are two types of werewolf; the Lunewulf and the Cariboo Lunewulf, the main difference being the Cariboo are more aggressive. Based on this, there have been two separate series written, though some of the same characters make appearances in both series. This story is the third and last in the Caribboo Lunewulf Series, the three tales of which are the three McAllister littermates (Marc, Gabe and Stone). All have been well-written, with considerable thought and effort being put into them. With this story in particular, I really liked the determination of Ali to get her man, no matter the odds. Stone’s determination not to mate is originally frustrating, but his capitulation when put on the spot had me applauding him for facing up to the facts: he is in love, it’s a done deal, now it’s time to claim the woman he loves as his mate. There’s no room left for his previous determination to avoid mated life. The whole series contain scorching sex scenes, with Gabe’s and Stone’s stories including threesomes hot enough to set the monitor ablaze, so keep the fire extinguisher at the ready. Please note that this tale contains fight scenes and violence, but also enough action and plot twists to keep the storyline fresh and interesting. As stand alone stories, they are each brilliant. As a series, they are a must read, particularly for paranormal and shape shifter fans.

Too Many Brides - Brit Blaise

TITLE: Cave Creek Cowboy: Too Many Brides
AUTHOR: Brit Blaise
ISBN: 1-59279-419-X
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLISHER: Amber Quill Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/3.5 Unicorns


Kresley has had a crush on Mike since she was fifteen, when he kissed her in a game of spin the bottle. He didn’t know it was her, but that kiss has lived in her memories ever since. Nothing can ever come of her crush on him. He is five years older than her and for a reason unknown to her her family hate his. Whilst in Vegas for a rodeo and a friend’s wedding, they both get drunk – and get married. Only, when Mike wakes up in the morning, he cannot even remember the ceremony – nor who he married. Surrounded by six naked women, Mike finds himself in an extremely awkward position. When does he find out who his bride is? What made Kresley’s family so antagonistic to Mike’s? Can they resolve the problems between them?

This is the fourth in the Cave Creek Cowboy Series by Brit Blaise. If you have not read any so far in the series I do not recommend starting with this one. All the stories need to be read in order, since as you move through the series; each tale misses out part of the history from previous tales which is vital to the storyline. Those who have read the previous stories will notice gaps and may not like how events from previous stories are given no description in this, and in the previous, tales. That said the Cave Creek Cowboy Series as a whole is quite enjoyable, particularly if you don’t like complicated storylines. I love the closeness of the Cave Creek community, and the friendships that exist. That Mike wakes up with six naked women is probably something most guys dream of, but in this instance it is embarrassing for Mike and undoubtedly an experience he could have done without. If you are a follower of this series, then you need to read this tale. If you would like to try this author, do not read the tales out of order, you may loose some parts of the plots. Too Many Brides is very likeable, though due to the plots simplicity not to everyone’s taste.

Another Cave Creek Cowboy - Brit Blaise

TITLE: Cave Creek Cowboy: Another Cave Creek Cowboy
AUTHOR: Brit Blaise
ISBN: 1-59279-392-4
GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Amber Quill Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


Alicia Moore has been in love with Brett for years. For the past ten, her dream has been to marry him. Only now that dream has to be scrapped, since his best friend caught her dangling from the rafters having sex with two men, though admittedly they were the second and third lovers in her entire life. Now she is trying to find a way to tell him about this, the most singular embarrassing moment of her life, before his best friend does. Meanwhile, she takes the bull by the horns and seduces him. His picture of her as a little miss innocent is then shattered – totally. But will anything further develop? And will Brett ever be told about ‘the incident’?

Another Cave Creek Cowboy is a very enjoyable story, the second in the Cave Creek Cowboy Series. Alicia is a young woman with childhood issues, not the least of which is abandonment by her father and her mother being a prostitute. Brett is the man eight years her senior, whom she has loved for years but who has always seen her as too young for him, and too innocent besides – until she removes the blinders from his eyes. As with the first, this is well written and covers a range of situations, which is done very well, particularly as this is a fairly short story. There is a large focus on the physical side of things – sex scenes are hot, hot, hot! That’s not to say the emotional side is neglected. This is also dealt with really well. I look forward to reading more from Brit Blaise, especially the others in the Cave Creek Cowboy Series.

Cave Creek Cowboy - Brit Blaise

TITLE: Cave Creek Cowboy: Cave Creek Cowboy
AUTHOR: Brit Blaise
ISBN: 1-59279-377-0
GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Amber Quill Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4.5 Unicorns


Ten years ago, Holly shattered Ridge when she slept with his best friend, bragged about it and then left to become a model in New York, never to be seen again – until now. She has returned home to Cave Creek, following the death of her grandfather. But why? Does she still have feelings for Ridge? And did the events ten years past really pan out as she would have Ridge believe?

Ridge’s heart has always belonged to Holly, even though she hurt him really badly. Even his attempt at marriage failed because there were effectively three people in the marriage, sharing his thoughts and his bed – himself, his wife, Billie Jo, and Holly. Having been hurt so badly by her, why is it that he still responds to her as he always has? Why is he unable to feel any lasting anger towards her for the great pain she caused him? Why does he want to try for a second chance with her?

Ms Blaise has interwoven an unexpected but poignant aspect to Cave Creek Cowboy. I began to suspect that all was not as it seemed fairly early on in the story, gaining an inkling of why Holly had left and hurt Ridge so badly all those years ago towards the middle of the story. When my suspicions were confirmed, I felt a sharp pang of sorrow for Holly for what she had done to try to protect Ridge, the man she loves with all her heart, when they were still teenagers. Ms Blaise has introduced and very successfully handled a very delicate issue, which rarely finds a mention in a romance novel, and for this she is to be congratulated. The sex the characters engage in, both present and past, is fairly detailed and very inventive. Who knew a horse could be used in such a way? Also, please note there is a voyeuristic scene involving Holly and a threesome at an abandoned property on Holly’s grounds, which is detailed and sets the scene for the following tale, Another Cave Creek Cowboy. I really recommend you read this, how much I simply cannot express. As for myself, I hope to soon be able to get my hands on more men, uhh... tales, from the Cave Creek Cowboy Series.

Ashes In The Wind - JJ Massa

TITLE: The Weather Series: Ashes In The Wind
ISBN: 1-59836-030-2
GENRE: Contemporary / Paranormal Romance
PUBLISHER: Venus Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


At twenty six, Ashlynn Doucette is different from other young women. She comes from a tight knit family, each of whom have certain abilities. Her brother Storm has the power to make it rain and thunder; her parents can communicate mentally with one another wherever they are. Ashlynn has the power of fire. Mostly, she is able to control her gift, as long as she isn’t upset or afraid. Whilst she loves her family, they tend to molly coddle her. She finds this frustrating, especially since she is a grown woman, an agent for the Treasury Department. Her latest case has brought her to Gabe’s parish, the man she has always had something of a crush on, even though he is eighteen years her senior and her Uncle’s best friend. Gabe is a Sheriff, as is her father (of the next parish over), and her Uncle Deke is Deputy Sheriff of the Bayou. A member of Gabe’s Parish is suspected of money laundering, but it turns out he is into much more than that. Ashlynn will need more than just herself to solve and get out of this case alive. With the relationship between herself and Gabe unexpectedly heating up, can Ashlynn remain focused long enough to survive? Is her unique gift able to aid her?

Sheriff Gabriel Theroit has watched Ashlynn grow up from a child to the beautiful young woman she is today. It was not until she turned eighteen that he saw her in a light other than that of child and niece of his best friend. He has managed to keep his attraction and love for her under wraps, even from his best friend Deke. When he finds her in a Bar Room brawl, the encounter is unexpected to say the least. He wishes she had at least let him know she’d be in the area on a case. When she is injured, he is furious and his protective instincts come to the foreground. After he takes her home to his place, he releases himself from the constraints he has lived with when he sees she is attracted to him. Shocked to find she is a virgin, he becomes even more determined to marry his little spitfire. When the case she is involved in takes a turn nobody expected, can he aid her with the case and keep her out of trouble at the same time? Is he able to convince her of his love and gain her love in return?

JJ Massa has produced yet another great story that will surely hook you on her if you haven’t been hooked already. I have not yet read the first in this series, but having read this tale I shall most certainly endeavour to with all due haste. The first I read of Ms Massa was her Montgomery Family Series, of the shape shifter genre. They hooked me completely and up until now it was only their further releases from Ms Massa that I anticipated with great yearning. With this story, Ms Massa has demonstrated a clear cut ability to write convincing and enjoyable stories from yet another (sub) genre, this one being magic/paranormal. This story has a few tense moments that really grip the reader, including the opening scene. I really liked the communication abilities of the family, as well as Ashlynn’s and Storm’s powers. This tale is fairly short, but nevertheless very enjoyable, fairly well written with a good character development. Keep up the good work, Ms Massa! I can’t wait for more in the The Weather Series to make their appearance.

All Night Inn - Janet Miller

TITLE: Hollywood After Dark: All Night Inn
AUTHOR: Janet Miller
ISBN: 1-4199-0216-4
GENRE: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Cerridwen Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/5 Unicorns


Sharon Colson is flat broke, alone and stranded in the small coastal town of Los Ninos de la Noche. Locked out of her boarding room for being a week behind in the rent, all she has are the clothes she is wearing. She desperately needs a job, but the only place in town hiring on is the All Night Inn, a bar that is in need of a bar tender. Sharon has the experience, but the All Night Inn is no ordinary bar. Its proprietor is Jonathon Knottmann, a known vampire. Her desperation, however, compels her to apply for the position, and not even finding out that bearing his mark and becoming his companion is the only way he will hire her, a human, sways her determination, though it does cause her a moments hesitation. Due to the All Night Inn’s eclectic patrons, the mark is for her own safety, as she learns within a few weeks, but there are many strings attached to being a companion that Sharon does not learn of straightaway. When will she find about what being a companion entails? What will her reaction be? What are the secrets she is keeping? How have these secrets affected her past and present? How are they to impact her future?

Jonathon is a nightwalker (the politically correct term for vampire). He has lived for over three hundred years, the past several of which he has spent as the owner of a bar in Los Ninos. He has but one companion, Marcus, and also gains nourishment from humans he terms ‘clients’. He is doubtful at first as to whether to hire Sharon on, particularly when she adamantly refuses a mind link with him. Her obvious desperation and his desire for her, however, make him mark her without the mind link, though doing so is very painful for Sharon. He realises she has secrets but rather than force her to reveal them, he decides to bide his time and gain her trust, hoping that she will then allow the mind link and share all of her secrets. But what about the secrets he himself harbours? Why has he kept himself in relative isolation? Will he share all with Sharon? Will he gain her trust? For that matter, will he come to trust her, when he himself has difficulty trusting both others and himself?

Janet Miller, who also writes as Cricket Starr, is a brilliant and imaginative writer. Her storylines are her own. Though there are many tales in the paranormal genre, Ms Miller has created several terms that are fairly unique to her writing, including nightwalker, bloodmate, companion and spellcaster to name but a few. This is the second of her e-books that I have read, the first being Fangs For The Memories, a story that is linked to this one but which takes place after this story. Both tales can be read as stand alones, but reading them both will increase your reading pleasure. Hopefully, many more linked stories are soon to follow. Both characters will capture your heart, with their difficulty in trusting others and the pain their respective secrets cause them. Love scenes are steamy and detailed, though not too explicit. It is a great pleasure to read this author’s writings. I look forward to reading more from Janet Miller, both more from the Hollywood After Dark series and also of unrelated works.

A Stable Relationship - Sandi Haddad

TITLE: A Stable Relationship
AUTHOR: Sandi Haddad
ISBN: 1-59279-126-3
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLISHER: Amber Quill Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/4 Unicorns


Cassy Collins is twenty five and a paediatric nurse at Community Hospital. Though she loves her job, particularly on slow days when she can spend time with her patients, she is also now fulfilling her lifelong dream of horse riding. Ever since she was a little girl, she has wanted to learn how to ride, but her parents discouraged her because it was a competitive sport and also because her mother was bitten by a horse at a young age and has been afraid of them ever since. Since moving to the area a year ago, Cassy has been learning to ride at Greenwood Stables, where she boards her horse, General. She has now signed up for David Carlyle’s clinic. He is an ex-champion show jumper turned very much in demand riding instructor, following a horrific accident which killed his horse and left him seriously injured. Though their first meeting is not what Cassy would have wished, she learns much from his clinic and her riding skills improve considerably – no thanks to the distraction of her attraction to him. When she finds out he returns her attraction, she eagerly waits the end of the clinic so they can explore it, not wanting to become involved whilst she is still his student for fear of criticism from others for favouritism and unprofessionalism. But when the end of the clinic rolls around, things are not all as they should be. What stands in the way of a real relationship between them?

David has been attracted to Cassy from first he saw her, no matter that she was covered in mud. Though desiring a relationship with her, he held back, not willing to date a student. When the clinic ends, so do his restraints. At first unsure of what type of relationship he wants with her, since he may be leaving in a few weeks, he holds himself back. He quickly comes to realise that he wants Cassy as more than a girlfriend or partner – he wants her as his wife. But having been burnt before, some things are easily misconstrued. Will he be able to sort through his feelings and confront his past, leaving a clear path to develop a relationship with Cassy?

Having read A Stable Account, I was eager to read this linked tale, the story of Cassy and David. Whilst I did not enjoy this as much as I did the other, there can be no denying that Sandi Haddad is a very good author, who most definitely knows her stuff when it comes to all things equestrienne. This is a rather straightforward romance, suitable for all, particularly those who dislike sex scenes in their tales. Once again Ms Haddad has demonstrated that a romance need not contain explicit sex scenes to be enjoyable. These characters are fairly well developed, with attention being paid to their jobs and friends as well as to the world of horse riding. Both characters continually misinterpret each others actions and make assumptions about one another that to a large extent are unfounded or based on previous bad experience. Their relationship is a difficult one; though the attraction and possibility for love are there, their busy schedules result in their spending little time together, which does have a negative impact on their relationship. At times a future for this pair is in doubt, but A Stable Relationship is most definitely desired for the characters by the reader.

A Stable Account - Sandi Haddad

TITLE: A Stable Account
AUTHOR: Sandi Haddad
ISBN: 1-59279-156-5
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLISHER: Amber Quill Press
REVIEWED FOR/RATING: Enchanted In Romance Reviews/5 Unicorns


Maggie Newman left Magnolia Cove years ago when she eloped with her boyfriend, Chad Newman. Now she is moving back, pregnant and widowed. Her husband was killed in a road accident several months ago whilst going to see his brother during a storm. Her late husband’s family are unaware that she is expecting Chad’s baby, since she did not realise she was pregnant until after her husband’s funeral. She has been unable to contact Chad’s parents since the funeral, as they are on holiday. One of Maggie’s reasons for returning to the town she left so long ago is so that they can be a part of their grandchild’s life. Upon her return, she plans to open up a tack shop and live above it. Unfortunately, the living space over the shop is much too small to use as living quarters, especially for a woman beginning the third trimester of pregnancy. Her niece, Jenny, asks her father, Daniel, and Maggie why she can’t stay at their ranch with them; after all, they have plenty of room. But Maggie wants to try to get a place of her own before she moves to Magnolia and decides to keep looking. When she takes over the care of Jenny whilst Daniel is immersed in tax season, a busy time for him in his job as a self-employed accountant, Daniel asks Maggie to move in for the duration. As she is looking after Jenny and needs somewhere to live for the time being, as she still hasn’t found anywhere suitable, she accepts Daniel’s offer. What she hadn’t counted on was her growing attraction to her brother-in-law. Or her change in feelings towards him. But will her attraction and growing love lead anywhere? Or will the memory of her late husband remain a barrier between them?

Daniel has loved Maggie for years. Through his growing up years, through her dating and marriage to his brother, through his own marriage to his ex-wife. But she chose Chad, and he decided against fighting for her, instead playing childish pranks in an attempt to break them up, which didn’t work. When she married his brother, he put his feelings to one side, rarely visiting her and his brother during their marriage. But now she has moved back to Magnolia, alone and pregnant. Despite himself, hope flairs. Hope that maybe he has a chance with her. Hope that she’ll need him. Hope that she will love him, as he loves her. Having her move into his home enables him to get close to her, giving him much needed contact with her. But his guilt over his feelings towards the woman he still views as his late brother’s wife prevents him from acting on his feelings, along with his uncertainty that she feels anything for him in return other than sisterly. Will this pair ever get together? Will Jenny gain a loving step-mother, in addition to a loving aunt and a new cousin? Will Daniel’s parents accept them as a couple?

Sandi Haddad has written a heart-warming story about two people who are faced with a second chance at a love that they passed up the first time around. The basics of this storyline are classic romance: boy loves girl, girl has feelings for boy, boy doesn’t act on his feelings and girl ends up with someone else, then years later they both get together, having found one another again. Being a die-hard romance fan, this is just my type of story. This more traditional tale, whilst different to the new plotlines making their entrances on the e-book scene, deserves just as much attention and accreditation. Beautifully written, Ms Haddad’s characters are well developed and easily related to. The way in which they continually misinterpret each others actions and the assumptions they make about each others feelings towards one another makes you want to kick them in the behind and tell them to get their act together. What seems so obvious to you, that they are destined to be together, they are wholly oblivious to (yes, I know this is fiction *sigh*). Ms Haddad successfully proves that a romance need not contain explicit sex scenes to be all that we want a romance to be. It is not hard to understand why Ms Haddad is an award winning author.